
The primary research goal is to intelligently allocate and coordinate the limited network resources (communication, computing, caching, sensing, etc.) to satisfy various network service requirements and enhance user experience.

Research Interests

Digital twin-assisted network management

Virtualize users, devices and subnetworks for service-centric and user-centric networking toward data-driven 6G

Network slicing for B5G/6G

Reserve resources to support various services on top of the same network infrastructure while adapting to various network dynamics

Resource management for mobile VR/AR

Cut the cord on your VR headsets! Customize content delivery strategies for immersive VR/AR experience

Intelligent Internet-of-Things (IoT)

Design the networks to run AI/ML on resource-limited IoT nodes

Vehicular networks

Optimize the connectivity among vehicles traveling along the roads for supporting emerging applications (e.g., automated driving)